Monday, 24 May 2010

Global Fashion: Creative and Innovative Contexts

International Conference
CEPESE – Centro de Estudos em Economia, População e Sociedade Universidade do Porto

Call for papers

Fashion is a phenomenon that crosses cultural and social contexts and, nowadays, it is a truly global economic activity.

Human beings need something new: it is at the same time an outer stimulus and an inner will to move forward, to make things happen and to be dazzled. Only the human being can create and needs fashion.

Creativity and innovation have always been present since the birth of fashion and intersect several sectors of activity: industries, handicraft and services.

Due to its global relevance, we believe it is important to invite researchers and professionals to meet and exchange their knowledge and experience on the field of Fashion.
website at

Teaching and Learning Conference 2010

University of Huddersfield
Connect 2: [Teaching, Learning, Research, Enterprise]
Monday 13 September 2010
Call for short papers & posters: Please circulate widely within your School/Service
The theme of this year’s conference is the learning, teaching, research and enterprise interface, specifically focussing on the following 3 key areas:
the ways in which subject-specific research and enterprise activity informs teaching and learning
the ways in which pedagogical research or enterprise activity helps us to enhance teaching and learning
the ways in which we teach our students, and they learn, to be researchers and to be enterprising
The conference will comprise keynote speakers, open space sessions, short papers, a poster exhibition and a plenary discussion panel.

Zoosemiotics and animal representations

Tartu, Estonia. 4–8 April 2011.

Zoosemiotics is an interdisciplinary research program introduced by an American semiotician Thomas A. Sebeok in the 1960s with the aim to merge semiotics and ethology and to launch semiotic studies of animal communication. The foundational idea in zoosemiotics is that relations between animals and their environment as well as between different individuals are not purely physical, but are to a large extent sign-mediated. This gives a significant role to the animal subjects, and recognizes more as well as higher forms of complexity in animals than previously assumed. A lot has happened since the concept of zoosemiotics was proposed: the rise of biosemiotics and cognitive ethology are two among the many important developments in the field of animal communication studies.

Living on the Edge

The Fourth International Conference of the ISSRNC at the University of Western Australia (UWA-Perth)
16-19 December 2010

The International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, in association with La Trobe University, Melbourne, is organising its 4th International Conference, which will be held between 16 and 19 December 2010, at the University of Western Australia (UWA-Perth). Perth, located on the edge of land and sea, is a perfect site at which to discuss the notion of ‘Living on the Edge’.
We invite proposals from scholars exploring the intersection and edges of religion, nature and culture from a wide range of critical perspectives and from all disciplines.

Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics

Call for Papers

The Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics is a peer reviewed journal covering all aspects of the graphic novel, comic strip and comic book, with the emphasis on comics in their cultural, institutional and creative contexts. Its scope is interdisciplinary and international, covering not only English language comics but also worldwide comic culture. The journal reflects interdisciplinary research in comics and aims to establish a dialogue between academics, historians, theoreticians and practitioners of comics. It therefore examines comics production and consumption within the contexts of culture: art, cinema, television and new media technologies. The journal includes all forms of ‘sequential imagery’ including precursors of the comic but in the main emphasis will be on twentieth and twenty-first century examples, reflecting the increasing interest in the modern forms of the comic, its production and cultural consumption.

Constructing the Discipline: Art History in the UK

The third annual Glasgow Colloquium on Art Historiography will be held in the Institute for Art History of the University of Glasgow 25th – 27th November 2010. Papers lasting 20 minutes are invited on formative moments, movements, institutions and individuals in accordance with the mission statement of the Journal of Art Historiography. The UK means England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Moments could include significant exhibitions or the creation of the Dip AD, with its attendant requirements for art historical instruction. Movements could include the movement of scholars or exchange of ideas, the movement towards new art history and broadening of study to extend out of Europe. Institutions could include the foundation of art history departments or changes in the museum sector. Individuals could include significant scholars who have made an impact on the practice of the discipline.