Monday, 1 February 2010

Aotearoa Digital Arts

Deadline 5 Feb 2010
Call for participation in Electrosmog International Festival for Sustainable Immobility

As part of Aotearoa Digital Arts' participation in the electrosmog festival, we invite you to submit plans for projects that engage with one or more of the festival's themes (listed below).

The projects can take any appropriate form: distributed, networked, self-contained, globally participatory, localised, mobile, immobile, object-based, immaterial, grandiose, self-effacing, high-tech, low-tech, strategic, tactical, audio, visual, tactile...

The projects need to be carried out on or before the weekend of March 18-20 2010, and able to be documented online on or before the end of the festival (for international appreciation).

We (the ADA Trust) have a small amount of money available as seed funding for a small number of projects for the festival, so if you would like to propose something please send me the following details by February 5 2010:

- A brief description of the project and how it responds to one or more of the Electrosmog themes
- A brief description of the participants involved / required (and how you will locate participants if you need to)
- A list of technical and other requirements, indicating what you have access to, and what still needs to be sourced (and how you will source things)
- A budget outline indicating outstanding costs

Basically we need to know what you need to make it happen, and an indication of how realistic it is!

We will inform successful applicants be Feb 12, leaving 5 weeks to realise the project in time for the festival.

Send project applications and any questions etc to me:

Festival themes and details of the global festival are below - we'll announce more of what will happen here in NZ in the next couple of weeks.

(also the electrosmog design competition announced on the list a few weeks ago is accepting submissions until Feb 15:)

Themes explored during the festival include:

- Global Views on the Crisis of Mobility
- The Promise of Ubiquity: Being everywhere at once, while staying home
- Designing for Immobility
- The Changing Path of Food to our Kitchen Table: Food and Global Mobility
- Do-It-Yourself Telematics: Technologies for everybody else
- Aesthetics of Distributed Space
- ElectroSmog is Good for You!
- Tyrannies of the Real-Time
- Going Slow: Private Agency Towards a Sustainable Immobility

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