Tuesday 12 October 2010

IDATER Online conference: Graphicacy and Modelling

It is important to establish some foundations for research in graphicacy and consequently contributions are welcome that either discuss an aspect of graphicacy in depth, or its relationship to design modelling. It is hoped to organise a one day conference in December 2010 concerning the online contributions that have been made to the graphicacy debate and publish an IDATER Online Book relating to the collection in early 2011 http://idater.lboro.ac.uk/

The Graphicacy and Modelling conference will have 3 phases.

A period up until the end of November 2010 during which contributions will be collected and made available online for both reading and comment;

A ‘real event’ on the 13th or 14th December 2011 at the University of Limerick at which these contributions can be discussed;

The preparation by the end of March 2011 of an edited book that will include both the original contributions and selected aspects of the discussion, both online and at the real event. The conference book will be freely downloadable online, and a short run of hard copies for lending libraries etc will be printed.

The expectation is that the contributions will have been read prior to the discussion at the University of Limerick. Consequently, the normal conference restrictions associated with having to present the paper in a short period do not apply. It would be hoped that the author(s) could provide a 10 minute overview of their contribution and that discussion would be the essential activity at the real event. So:

Author(s) are encouraged to link to other papers they have written, particularly if they are available online.

Author(s) are encouraged to provide substantial documents eg literature reviews, data as gathered etc as annexes to their contribution. As the conference starts online, there is no reason to restrict the length of initial documents.

Authors should be willing to discuss with the Editors how such annexes might be represented in the Conference Book, as there may then be a requirement to restrict the document size.

The purpose of the Conference is to facilitate in depth discussion of Graphicacy and Modelling and to provide sound foundations for further research.

Further information is available from Prof Eddie Norman, Loughborough University School of Design. (e.w.norman@lboro.ac.uk)

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