Thursday 18 February 2010

The EYE-KEA Project Research Iniative

The EYE-KEA project is a research initiative aiming to open discussions concerning video art, web 2.0, Throwaway Culture, and the impact of technology on visual and popular culture.
Screening works by established and emerging video artists who are pushing the elements of video art, and opening further discussions through a one-day symposium.
This event has been proposed in order to discuss and define what is currently happening to visual culture in light of technological advances which are changing the way we relate to and interact with culture.

Looking at the implications of remix culture, as represented or researched by video artists who analyse the social and cultural changes brought about by the digital & cultural revolution, through their art practice.

The EYE-KEA project seeks to facilitate an exchange of ideas by bringing together a broad range of artists and researchers with expertise and interest in a wide range of related topics, in order to open debate and discussion.

We are seeking submissions for:

Video art works � (maximum duration of 5 minutes )
Which will be screened at Basement Project Space from Fri 16 � Mon 26 Apr2010

Research Papers � from artists and researchers for a 15-minute paper for a one-day symposium on Tue 20 Apr 2010 (send an abstract or outline of a research paper with synopsis, and an A4 page CV to:

Preference will be given to video works and Research Papers, which relate to the following topics:

Remix culture, copyright, YouTube, privacy, appropriation, participatory culture, humor, parody, popular culture, re-enactments, reproductions, throwaway culture (throwaway video) and video art, impacts of visual culture.

More info at

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